
10/07/2021 - Education

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July 10, 2021

In what ways the government of India can increase the enrolment in schools in order to provide better access to education for children? (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Abdul hakkim 3 years

Please review mam  /sir 


IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to include some of the recent initiatives related to online learning. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The proportion of India’s children attending a government school has now declined to 45 per cent

·        India’s 100 per cent plus school enrolment masks challenges; a huge dropout ratio and poor learning outcomes.

·        Recent government school action class sizes, salaries, qualifications, Rs 5 lakh crore Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan spending needs supplementing with difficult reforms.

·        Performance management, currently equated with teacher attendance, needs evaluation of scores, skills, competence and classroom management.

·        Classroom management needs assessment by classroom observation of learning (teaching often happens without learning), physical set-up, instructional differentiation (for process, product, and learning styles), and communication (clarity, questioning, responsiveness).

·        The poor have been at the receiving end of the elite-favouring dichotomy between government-provided regional language instruction and professional courses including civil service examinations in English.

·        In 2020, Andhra Pradesh made English the medium of instruction for classes 1 to 4 while making Telugu and Urdu a compulsory second language.

·        India’s constitution wrote Education Policy into Lists I (Centre), II (State), and III (concurrent jurisdiction);

·        this fragmentation needs revisiting because it tends to concentrate decisions that should be made locally in Delhi or state capitals.




Abhishek Das 3 years

Please Review. 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to provide specific examples. KeepWriting.

Sandy Singh 3 years

Pls chk it

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to cut short the introduction part, try to provide specific examples. Keep Writing.



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