A comprehensive approach is the need of the hour to reverse the declining trend of female labour force participation in India. Analyse (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 4 years
According to ILO estimates, India’s FLFP has declined from 32% in 2005 to 21% in 2019.
Economic Survey 2020 estimates that 60% of women between 15-59 years are engaged in full-time housework as compared to 1% of males.
Reasons for declining trend
· Mechanisation of agriculture
· Emergence of technologies that automate routine work.
· Lack of flexible work opportunities.
· Discrimination at the workplace as well as concerns regarding safety.
Comprehensive approach
· Better data to capture women’s contribution to the economy through paid and unpaid work more accurately.
· For instance, gender-disaggregated data from the annual Periodic Labor Force Survey can help develop more targeted policies for women in rural and urban areas.
· Women’s access to and enrolment in higher education must be prioritised.
· Economic Survey 2020 highlighted a strong correlation between the level of education and domestic work, with only 5.3% of highly educated women in the age group 15-59 years engaged in full-time domestic duties.
· The implementation of various progressive legislations and policies like the Maternity Benefit Act and Code of Wages needs to be monitored rigorously through audits.
· Skill training programmes that enable women to venture into non-traditional occupations should be emphasised.
· To ensure equity of access and opportunity, 50% of placements provided through skill development programmes should be allotted for women.
· Infrastructure has a major role to play in enabling more women to join and remain in the workforce.
· Aspects that require special attention include residential hostels and safe public transport options in towns and cities.
tina 4 years
Please review. Thank you.
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include data about decreasing trend of FLPF. Keep Writing.
Dev 4 years
Please review and provide feedback
IAS Parliament 4 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
Soni Kumari 4 years
Please review sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to stick to word limit and explain the measures needed to address the declining FLPR. Keep Writing.