What are the various policy measures that have helped increase exports in food processing industries in the country? Explain (200 Words)
Refer - Business Line
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 3 years
· Farmers’ income has risen around 1.7 times since FY18 with a decisive upward shift in mean income, especially where the farmers have engaged in cash crops.
· For the first time in 2021, agri-exports crossed $50 billion, which is a commendable given the pandemic challenges.
· Cluster development: As part of the Agriculture Export Policy, 46 unique product-district clusters have been identified for export promotion. Banana cluster (Ananthpur); Pomegranate cluster (Maharashtra.
· Country-specific strategy: An interaction was carried out with 60 Indian Missions and stakeholders to identify the products, their potential and way forward for preparing country-wise agri-export strategies.
· Virtual buyer-seller meets: 24 of such meets were organised with various countries. E-catalogues were released, with details of participant exporters, importers and trade associations.
· Virtual trade fair (VTF): APEDA took an initiative to develop its own VTF application. The virtual platform provides an opportunity for agri importers of several countries and our exporters to interact.
· There is a lot of scope for R&D in agriculture, especially in the development of high-yielding seeds, creation of an efficient plant disease forecast system, and effective post-harvest management.
· The efficacy and adequacy of these initiatives may be reviewed to see whether any additional support is required.
Varon 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to focus on R&D dimension. Keep Writing.
Tapasvi 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to mention some government schemes to support your answer. Keep Writing.
Meenu Vijayan 3 years
kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good answer. Try to provide some specific examples in point 8 and 9. Keep Writing.
Aravind R 3 years
Kindly review this mam/sir
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to add more content and include some of the government schemes briefly. Keep Writing.