
12/05/2022 - Government Policies

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May 12, 2022

Government of India needs to pay attention to the Supreme Court’s order on section 124A of Indian Penal Code  and take effective steps to prevent its misuse. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        All pending trials, appeals and proceedings with respect to the charge framed under Section 124A be kept in abeyance”, Supreme Court has said in an order that will bring some welcome relief to those calling for the abrogation of Section 124A of the IPC, which criminalises any speech.

·        The hope and the expectation arise from the Union government’s own submission that it has decided to re-examine and reconsider the provision as part of the Prime Minister’s efforts to scrap outdated laws and compliance burdens.

·        That the sedition law is being persistently misused has been recognised years ago, and courts have pointed out that the police authorities are not heeding the limitation imposed by a 1962 Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on what constitutes sedition.

·        If it chooses to do so, and strikes down Section 124A as an unconstitutional restriction on free speech, it may help the larger cause of preventing misuse of provisions relating to speech-based offences.

·        However, the Government may choose to prevent such a situation by amending it so that the offence is narrowly defined to cover only acts that affect the sovereignty, integrity and security of the state, as reportedly recommended by a panel of experts. 

Manish 3 years

15 marker..please

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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