
12/06/2021 - Government Policies

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June 12, 2021

The early enactment of the Electricity Bill 2021, is now an imperative in order to provide sustainable power supply across the length and breadth of country. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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Cibi Siddharth 4 years

kindly review and provide suggestions sir/mam

should we discuss about issues in bill in this question mam/sir?

IAS Parliament 4 years

Important provision related to power supply has to be discussed, need for electricity is not required. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Despite the Centre’s Rs 1.25-lakh-crore liquidity infusion scheme to enable state distribution companies (discoms) to clear the dues of generators, a large number of renewable energy producers in many states remain to be paid.

·        The situation in Andhra Pradesh is alarming due to the state government’s insistence that old Power Purchase Agreements for solar and wind energy be renegotiated, against the recently discovered price through competitive bidding.

·        The ministry of power had ordered that power shall be despatched by the National Load Despatch Centre and Regional Load Despatch Centre/s (NLDC / RLDC) only on production of a letter of credit (LC) for the desired quantum of electricity by the state discom.

·        According to the High Court, the Centre had overreached powers accorded to it under the Electricity Act 2003, and the attempt to ensure that PPAs between the discoms and renewable energy generators are enforced and implemented was beyond its authority provided in the law.

·        Given the exigency of the situation, as an immediate measure, the route of ordinance seems to be the only option. The power of the president of India to promulgate ordinances during recess of Parliament is provided for under Article 123 of the Constitution (legislative powers of the President).

·        The president may, therefore, promulgate an ordinance, and even if the ordinance is to operate only for six weeks, some financial relief will be provided to the renewable energy generators.

·        The ambitious national target of renewable energy capacity addition calls for an urgent review of the policy framework for India.

·        There is need to look at a long-term solution keeping in mind that the states are equal stakeholders as the subject of electricity is in the concurrent list of the Constitution.


Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Kindly provide feedback.

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to mention the provisions in the bill briefly. Keep Writing.

Abdul hakkim 4 years

Please  review mam/sir

I didn't  get an idea to how to approach this question 

Can you give me suggestions  for writing this question 

Like how to write  the intro , body, conclusion  


IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include why enactment is an imperative, relate it with the provisions in the bill. Keep Writing.

Sukiharan 4 years

Please review.

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good answer. Keep Wtiting.



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