
12/08/2021 - Indian Economy

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August 11, 2021

Being a part of sunrise sector, the online gaming start-ups of today can be used as an effective tool in skilling the youths of the country. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Business Line

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Online gaming has emerged as a sunrise sector in India, growing faster than any other segment in the media and entertainment industry since 2019.

·        People have turned to online games as the preferred source of entertainment, with some gaming companies experiencing 100-200 per cent increase in their users.

·        The industry is expected to nearly double its market size from $1.8 billion currently, to $3.9 billion by 2025.

·        This not only means huge contribution to India’s economy, but also two lakh new jobs, new training programmes and a workforce which is ready for the future of work and future of jobs.

·        The World Economic Forum (WEF) has indicated that 50 per cent of the workforce will need skilling, reskilling or upskilling to prepare them for the jobs of the future.

·        The future is here and we are 290 million people working in industry and service sectors.

·        Game-based learning and gamification of learning and skilling are required to achieve this ambitious target.

·        Game-based learning is not just fun and more engaging it also proven to be more effective at retention and recall, while gamification incentivises better performance.

·        To make India self-reliant and realise the Digital India dream, there’s need for early and widespread adoption of emerging technologies in addition to skilled manpower across sectors. 



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