
13/02/2018 - Geography

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February 13, 2019

What is meant by global commons? Discuss their significance, concerns and provide a holistic approach for the effective conservation of Natural resources.   (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Mazhar 6 years

Please review and be critical.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include some points in significance of Global Commons, mention some specific issues relating to global commons. Eg: Issue of Whaling, awareness of Global Commons at the community level etc. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 6 years


The ‘Global Commons’ refers to resource domains or areas that lie outside of the political reach of any one nation State. Thus international law identifies four global commons namely: the High Seas; the Atmosphere; Antarctica.

Significance of Global Commons

·        According to UNEP, a third of the global population depends on ‘Commons’ for their survival.

·        It acts as basis for the sustaining the livelihood of the human beings in the world.

·        65% of global land area is under ‘Commons’, in different forms. At least 293,061 million metric tonnes of carbon (MtC) are stored in the collective forestlands of indigenous peoples and local communities.

·        Preserving Global common acts plays a pivotal role in attaining the sustainable development goals.

Concerns regarding global commons

·        The state can have oversight over resource management, keeping people away from using and managing ‘Commons’ is against effective governance of ‘Global Commons’.

·        Over exploitation of resources and domination by private players acts as threat to global commons.

·        Withdrawal of Japan from International whaling commission is recent example which pose threat to ecosystems in Antarctica, due to hunting of whales.

Required approach for the conservation

·        There needs to be a review of current governance of biodiversity and natural resources. 

·        Countries need to stick to their goals as provided in the conventions, climate agreements signed at international level, eventhough the agreement is not binding upon the members.

·        Putting the resource management at the hands of people via decentralisation and empowering people at the grass roots level will help in utilizing the natural resources optimally in a diverse country like India.




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