Proactive involvement of state governments is one of the best possible ways to combat maoist insurgency in the country. Analyse (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Jayashri Ramesh Sundaram 6 years
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Try to stick to word limit. Keep Writing.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· Of late, local police in the form of DRG (District Reserve Guard) have been more and more successful in countering Left Wing Extremism (LWE).
· Chhattisgarh’s state police, with the support of specialised training institutes (CTJW College, Kanker and four CIAT Schools) have built up capacity and raised specialised forces.
· The Centre, besides helping the state strengthen training capacity and capabilities, is also providing financial support to strengthen the specialised wings of STF (Special Task Force) and SIB (State Intelligence Bureau).
· DRGs have been constituted in many districts consisting of local policemen of affected areas. They not only have the best knowledge of the terrain but are also well-versed in the local dialect.
· The state governments took proactive steps by deploying additional resources and are trying their best to check Maoists’ expansion.
· In Chhattisgarh, many new police stations and security camps have been established. The SP, organised a number of awareness campaigns in remote areas which are most vulnerable to Maoist influence.
· Though, Maoists have weakened in DK, Odisha State Committee and other zones, and their expansionist policy is under check, security forces cannot afford to ignore their protracted war strategy.
· Better technologies, including Ground Penetration Radar, are required to detect and defuse IEDs. Security forces also need to learn from previous tactical errors and adhere to time-proven SOPs. The information network should improve with better road and telecom connectivity in far-flung areas.
· Surrender and rehabilitation policies must be implemented in letter and spirit by the state governments, the administrative and political vacuum in remote areas must be filled.
· ‘The Forest Rights Act’ should be interpreted in favour of forest dwellers. The root cause of the problem that is exploited by the Maoists socio-economic deficits must be bridged. The human rights of the local populace must be protected by the administration and security forces if the credibility of efforts so far is to be established.
Anu 6 years
Kindly review. Thank You.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep Writing.
kanala saddam hussain 6 years
please review.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
Mirudula Parthibarajan 6 years
Kindly review my answer.thanks in advance
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to include about specific points like modernising police force, surrender cum rehabilitation scheme etc. Keep Writing.