
13/10/2021 - Governance

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October 13, 2021

A fine balance between elected representatives and bureaucrats/professionals is required for the Indian parliamentary system to handle various challenges. Explain (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        It is good to see professionals in the recently reshuffled council of ministers.

·        Since Independence, India has often fallen short of efficient execution of policies.

·        India, with its diversity in respect of geography, demography, climate, economy, culture and social structures, requires specialised treatment for its problems at various locations

·        The experience of bureaucrats helps them shape policy which is both feasible and execution-friendly.

·        Another advantage of their induction into the council of ministers is that their relatively low allegiance to any ideology means little or no political baggage, thus paving the way for long-term decisions in public interest.

·        Professional qualifications equip them with technical acumen, which enhances their decision-making capabilities in extraordinary circumstances.

·        This sort of lateral entry into the Cabinet may prove to be a catalyst in transforming laging ministries and departments into high performers.

·        The experiment of involving professionals with elected representatives will not only strengthen our parliamentary democracy but also help in quick and seamless implementation welfare measures for the common man.

·        Crisis management and skill sets to utilise resources optimally give professionals the extra edge vis-à-vis their elected counterparts in the Cabinet.

·        Participation of both would be vital for the government to improve governance and service delivery to its people.


Nivetha 3 years

please review . kindly let me know whether i have overcome the shortcomings like coherence & interlinking points in answer

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt, try to use the headings as connectors to enhance the flow in the answer. Keep Writing.

interlinking of points have been managed well, coherence was present in the answer.


I tried for first time

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to explain about the role of professionals in the cabinet and impacts on decision making. Keep Writing.

Unni Mia Roy 3 years

Kindly review my answer Sir/Madam

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Mounikaa s 3 years

Kindly review my answer sir

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to cut short the introduction part and avoid listing out points, try to explain them briefly. Keep Writing.



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