Despite challenges, One Sun, One World, One Grid (OSOWOG) represents the vision that should be guiding coordinated global action on climate change. Discuss (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
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IAS Parliament 3 years
· One Sun, One World, One Grid (OSOWOG) the India-proposed global solar grid linking 140 nations expected to get adopted at the CoP26represents the kind of vision that should be guiding coordinated global action on climate change.
· The initiative now has two champions, with the UK signing on recently, merging its Green Grid Initiative to OSOWOG.
· One Sun aims to harness solar energy from across the globe, as the Earth completes its axial rotation.
· Feasibility and other aspects of the proposal will be discussed once the studies commissioned by the International Solar Alliance (ISA) are out.
· OSOWOG will be executed in three phases, the first involving connecting West Asia, South Asia and South East Asia, Africa brought online along with its power pools in the second and the rest of the world in the third.
· If the latter turns out to be the reality, it is difficult to be optimistic about OSOWOG. After the decades spent developing multilateral institutions, faith in them is now shaky, WHO and the World Bank being glaring examples.
· Other than that, costs of transnational supply, including through on-surface/undersea cables will be something that many countries may not be ready to swallow just yet. For OSOWOG to shine, such clouds must part.
Gowtham Rudy 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
Avoid listing out points and try to bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.
Sriram 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Try to stick to word limit. Keep Writing.
Riyan Syed 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
Need better understanding, try to bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.