
14/06/2021 - Disaster Management

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June 14, 2021

The occurrence of overlapping hazards pushes Government of India to the need for long-term preparedness along with multi-disciplinary approach. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Saurabh kasaudhan 4 years

Kindly review and provide suggestions for improvement

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to mention about pandemic. Keep Writing.

Cibi Siddharth 4 years

kindly review and provide suggestions mam/sir

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to integrate with pandemic. Keep Writing.

Abdul hakkim 4 years

Please review mam/sir

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to integrate with pandemic. Keep Writing.

Tapasvi 4 years

Kindly review 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to mention about pandemic. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


·        The Western Coast (Gujarat in particular) and then the eastern coast (Odisha and West Bengal) were battered with cyclones Tauktae in the west and Yaas in the east.

·        While cyclones and storms are not unusual on the Eastern coast (witnessed Aila, Bulbul, Amphan in the past), what was unique this time was that an environmental hazard happened in the middle of another mega hazard – the Covid-19 pandemic.

·        Accordingly, the disaster risk reduction activities need to be geared towards first an interdisciplinary diagnosis of various risk drivers.

·        Last year millions of hectares over the Ganga-Brahmaputra flood plains and the delta have been subjected to riverine and flash floods on clockwork regularity.

·        Vulnerability, or the propensity of loss, is itself an outcome of complicated processes.

·        However, this understanding of vulnerability often equates it with exposure and biophysical factors. Hence limiting the exposure, either through zoning or planned retreat, becomes an important way of reducing this biophysical vulnerability.

·        But vulnerability also emerges from underlying socio-economic-political conditions. Often the (socially, economically and politically) marginalised population have to reside in such precarious areas.

·        National disaster management act 2005 has to be used effectively to minimize the hazards.






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