
14/07/2020 - International Relations

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July 14, 2020

As Britain recognises that China can’t be the anchor of its post-Brexit foreign economic and strategic policies, India has a huge opening to restructure its relationship with London. Examine  (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 5 years


·         The Indian elite is utterly comfortable, at a personal level, with its British peers. Britain is one place where the Indian diaspora has thrived and is now ensconced in the upper reaches of the British political class. Yet Delhi has struggled to shed its compulsive public posturing against Britain.

·         Communist China, on the other hand, began with multiple handicaps in engaging with Britain. But over the last two decades, the CCP has systematically advanced its strategic influence in Britain.

·         While influence operations can shape policy evolution in targeted nations, they certainly can’t eliminate politics. It is rather hard, in the end, to turn a nation against itself for a prolonged period of time.

·         But the biggest lesson, however, is that Delhi should not write off Britain as a strategic priority in its foreign policy calculus. Prime Minister of India made an effort to reach out to Britain but that seemed to have petered out. Britain’s incorrigible balancing act between India and Pakistan and London’s continuing reluctance to think of Delhi in strategic terms tends to put off Delhi.

·         Rather than turn its back on Britain, Delhi should set itself a political challenge — to decisively turn Britain in favour of India. If Beijing could nearly subvert London, Delhi has enough equities to promote a change in the British establishment’s attitude towards India.

·         In the last two decades, Delhi has managed to change the dynamics of its ties with Washington through sustained diplomatic effort. Delhi has given a boost to its engagement with Paris in the last two years. It needs to launch a similar effort with London that is coming out of a prolonged strategic infatuation with Beijing.

·         As Britain recognises that China can’t be the anchor of its post-Brexit foreign economic and strategic policies, Delhi has a huge opening to restructure its relationship with London. Tharoor and Dalrymple are right to engage with our tragic past with Britain, but South Block must necessarily focus on the present and future possibilities with Whitehall.


Sanjeev Kumar Singh 5 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to include points specific to Indo- UK relations. Keep Writing.

Soni Kumari 5 years

Please review sir 

IAS Parliament 5 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Ananta Kumar Muduli 5 years

Sir pls review

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to emphasis more Indo-UK relations with respect to China. Keep Writing.


sir kindly review

thank you

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to elaborate about the opportunities for India and avoid writing names in the answer. Keep Writing.



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