
14/07/2021 - Indian Polity

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July 14, 2021

Dramatic change in composition of lok sabha in 2026 requires a balance between democratic and federal principles in the Indian Constitution. Examine. (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        The Indian Constitution may face an unprecedented crisis in 2026 when there will be a dramatic change in the composition of the Lok Sabha.

·        Since 1976, seats in the Lok Sabha have reflected the 1971 census and have not taken into account changes in the population.

·        The primary reason for this has been unequal population growth among States.

·        Post 2026,there will be a seismic shift in national power towards India’s poorest and most populated States, which is sure to generate much resentment among the States.

·        In a democratic set up, all citizens are equal and are thus entitled to equal representation in governance.

·        But this would imply that bigger States are likely to dominate the national conversation over smaller States.

For a better balance

·        The powers of States vis-à-vis the Centre contained in the Lists and in the provisions dealing with altering boundaries of States must be increased.

·        The role and composition of the Rajya Sabha, our House of States, must be expanded.

·        Constitutional change and the change in financial redistribution between the States must require the consent of all or nearly all States.

·        Serious thought must be given to breaking up the biggest States into smaller units that will not by themselves dominate the national conversation.



Athenia 4 years

Kindly review. TIA. 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

DILIP P M 4 years

please review

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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