
14/08/2019 - Agriculture

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August 14, 2019

Does the geographical indication tags in India makes a sharp difference when it comes to exports? Critically Analyse (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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Siddharth 6 years

Please review sir. Thanks. 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to stick to word limit. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 6 years


The origin of the GI tag can be traced back to when WTO administered an international agreement in 1994 called the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to safeguard IPs of member countries and set down certain standards for it.

In 1999, the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act was passed in India.

Increasing Exports

·        GI tagging has really helped some products like Darjeeling tea, so much so that when the production would fall in India, its prices elsewhere would rise.

·        The last time this happened was during the couple of years leading to 2013, when the agitation for a separate state (Gorkhaland) was on in Darjeeling district and adjoining areas.

·        Exports of Darjeeling tea to many parts of the world including UK, Australia, China and Pakistan fell dramatically and in the first half of August 2013.

·        GI tag is a tool in the hand of exporters, which can be used to classify your produce and supplies at levels above foreign competitors.

·        GI can be a valuable tool for export differentiation. As much as 85% of French wine exports use GIs on their labels, as do 80% of all spirits exported from EU. In exporting, GI can be valuable by ‘setting the bar’ or becoming the standard reference for that product in its distribution chain.

·        If India wants to use the GI tags for gaining a toe-hold in the world market, the government must first encourage awareness amongst those producing these goods.

GI tags not helping exports

·        It is also important that the government steps in to make GIs work well for Indian exports.

·        Problems of acute funds shortage amongst many registered GIs, absence of civil and criminal remedies in case of GI infringements.

·        lack of a vigilant market watch and regular inspections, improper coordination between actors involved in the value chain of exports of GI products, etc., are some areas that the central and state governments should look into.

·        Lack of awareness about GI tag is a major problem.




Vishwanth Adhepalli 6 years


Kindly review and evaluate.


IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include about lack of awareness of GI tag, lack of funding etc. Keep writing.

kanala saddam hussain 6 years

please review.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include about lack of awareness, lack of funding for GI tag. Keep writing.

Krish 6 years

Kindly review sir,Thank u

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good attempt. Try to include about lack of awareness of GI tag. Keep writing.



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