The WHO estimates that blood donation by 1% of the population is generally the minimum needed to meet a country’s most basic blood requirements. In this context, discuss the road map for creating efficient, safe blood transfusion system in India. (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· Blood transfusions are a key life-saving intervention as per the World Health Organisation (WHO), being an integral part of most medical procedures.
· Ideally, all blood need should be converted into clinical demand by ensuring access, enhancing infrastructure and improving health-seeking behaviour of the population.
· Even though India has adequate blood banks to cater to its population, these are unevenly spread across geographies.
· To improve access and availability without additional resource commitments, there is a scope for institutionalising the partially centralised hub-and-spoke model, where a fully equipped centralised blood centre can cater to multiple satellite blood banks or storage centres performing limited functions.
· Blood delivery within this model can further be strengthened through innovative technologies, and already some start-ups are exploring drone delivery.
· It is imperative for national estimates to be updated periodically to accurately estimate need and demand, and compare these against blood utilisation.
· Another means of ensuring adequate blood supply using the existing donor pool is by reducing dependence on whole blood.
· Model donor selection and donor referral processes should conform to the regulations prescribed by National Blood Transfusion Council to reduce risk of transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs).
· e-Rakt Kosh, an ICT-enabled Blood Bank Management Information System that interconnects all blood banks in a state into a single network, this needs to be upscaled at national level.
· For blood banks, it is a tool to standardise and streamline SOPs and workflow. Its citizen interface assists potential donors and patients, giving real-time information about nearest blood banks, donation camps, and blood availability including of a particular blood group.
@Pallavi 6 years
Please check and review my 1st answer, here.
IAS Parliament 6 years
to the word limit. Issues not needed in the answer, focus on roadmap for blood
transfusion system in India. Keep Writing.
Raj 6 years
Kindly Review. Thanks!!
IAS Parliament 6 years
answer. Keep Writing.
Raj 6 years
Sandeep 6 years
Kindly review thanks
IAS Parliament 6 years
answer. Keep Writing.