
15/02/2022 - Government Policies

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February 15, 2022

The inspection and the labour statistical systems should be reviewed as the Government is in the process of framing the Vision@2047 document. Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        CRUSHED Report 2021 released by Safe in India (SII), reported in this daily, portrays a dismal picture concerning occupational safety and health in the auto sector.

·        However, occupational safety and health (OSH) has not received due attention from law-makers and even trade unions in India.

·        Labour Bureau has not considered expanding the scope of statistics on injuries by adding sectors such as plantations, construction, the service sector, etc.

·        According to the Directorate General, Factory Advice and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI)’s Standard Reference Note for 2020 in 2019, the proportion of working in sanctioned posts for factory inspectors (employment rate) for India was 70.60%.

·        But major States such as Maharashtra (38.93%), Gujarat (57.52%), Tamil Nadu (58.33%), and Bihar (47.62%) had poor employment rates of inspectors

·        Liberalisation of the inspection system as has been effected during the last 20 years will not promote sound labour market governance.

·        Simplifying the annual returns and self-certification systems weakens the already poorly placed labour statistical system regarding all variables especially industrial injuries.

·        The labour codes, especially the OSH Code, the inspection and the labour statistical systems should be reviewed as the Government is in the process of framing the Vision@2047 document for the Labour Ministry.



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