
15/04/2019 - Geography

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April 15, 2019

Developing biodiversity parks are essential to the changing dynamics of the Indian city landscape. Analyse (150 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        Bio-diversity parks in urban areas provides ecosystem services like recharging ground water, providing pure air, wetlands absorbing the pollutants etc.

·        Delhi Capital Region all set to get South Biodiversity, marking its seventh biodiversity park. While the primary aim of the initiative is to remove the water hyacinths from the river and thereby improve the water quality.

·        This further marks a new milestone as it is the first time that a constructed wetland system is set to be built on a river.

·        Development of the biodiversity park on the Yamuna floodplain over the next five years.

·        Trees in the biodiversity parks help curb the unwanted noises, thereby reducing the noise pollution.

·        Crop residues can be used as organic manure in biodiversity parks which not only increases the fertility of the soil but also promote the biodiversity in parks.

·        This eventually reduce the problem of Stubble burning especially in parts of Haryana, Punjab.

·        Helps restoring the lost regional diversity within growing cities and urban areas. 

vivek attri 6 years


IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Try including some examples of biodiversity parks in urban areas and its role. Keep Writing.



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