Does attributing legal rights to rivers facilitate rejuvenation of water bodies in India? Critically analyse (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· Rivers now have legal rights. In a way, it started with some rivers in Victoria. Then, in 2017, we had the Whanganui river in New Zealand, and the Ganga and Yamuna.
· The Rivers Ganga and Yamuna, all their tributaries, streams, every natural water flowing with flow continuously or intermittently of these rivers, are declared as juristic/legal persons/living entities having the status of a legal person.
· The Director NAMAMI Ganges, the Chief Secretary of the State of Uttarakhand and the Advocate General of the State of Uttarakhand are hereby declared persons as the human face to protect, conserve and preserve Rivers Ganga and Yamuna and their tributaries.
· This is a great step in providing protection to rivers, and helps in rejuvenating water bodies by recharging groundwater aquifer.
· The Ganga and Yamuna need legal rights because the core issue is pollution. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) brings out reports on water quality in our rivers.
· Between Kala Amb and Narayan Garh, the Markanda river in Haryana has a BOD value of 590.Higher the BOD, higher the pollution.
· The High Court decision to be effective the bench should have given clear directions to the government on what it would mean for the rivers and their tributaries to be legal and living entities.
· There is a need to determine in a proper scientific manner what would be considered as harm to the river.
Anu 6 years
Kindly review.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt. Try to include BOD of rivers like Ganga. Keep Writing.
kanala saddam hussain 6 years
please review.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
K. V. A 6 years
Pls review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to include about BOD of rivers in India. Keep writing.
Bijayeeni 6 years
Kindly review.
Thank you.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to include about increasing Biological oxygen demand of rivers in India. Keep Writing.