
15/09/2021 - Agriculture

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September 15, 2021

Discuss the contributory factors that need significant attention for effective implementation of Farmers Producers Organization Scheme. (200 Words)

Refer - Business Line

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The government’s 10,000 Farmer Producer Organisation scheme has given a major thrust to the FPO movement.

·        From corporates to public service organisations, everyone has committed towards promotion of FPOs.

·        FPOs, in their formative years, are required to strengthen their governance mechanism, engagement with producer members, and liaising with external agencies (like buyer, and input providers) for securing resources, etc.

·        FPOs need to derive support from different group of stakeholders (farmer, government, buyers, NGOs etc), each with different norms and expectations.

·        For example, the expectation of a government certifying agency for organic produce would be very different from a that of a corporate buyer.

·        The certifying agency would focus on diligence while the buyer would be driven by reliability and quality.

·        Need to give a better price to farmers for their produce or offering input services at reasonable cost.

·        FPOs are required to internalise that different stakeholders have different yardsticks to measure the success of their venture.

·        While the farmer as member may be looking at receiving timely credit from the FPO as the vital indicator for success, the corporate buyer may measure a FPO’s success based on quality of the product.


Nivetha 3 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to menton some government schemes, and be specific. Keep Writing.

Manish 3 years

Please Review..

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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