
15/12/2018 - Indian Economy

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December 15, 2018

The rebalancing of risk in public-private partnership model will go a long way in meeting critical infrastructure, enabling higher economic growth in India. Examine (200 Words )

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Flaws in risk sharing

·        Actual recovery of user charges by private investors to make the necessary investments viable is not practically feasible, as private sector bears most of the risk.

·        Unpredictability of profits by private sector, increase in cost of projects due to administrative delays obstruct the lenders taking risk (providing loans).

·        Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 which does not distinguish between genuine errors in decision-making and acts. So Public servants take less risk in decision making.

·        Current model follows “One-size-fits- all” approach in risk allocation; this doesn’t fit effectively for all projects.

·        The loss of bargaining power over time by private player in PPPs.


Outcomes of re-balancing risks

·        If the state or, a public institution came in as an intermediary by agreeing to pay user charges after a transparent and fair bidding process, private investment could be brought into other sectors like railways, real estate.

·        Amendment of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 will enable public servants to take fair decisions.

·        Effective implementation of Commercial courts act 2016 will decrease the judicial delays and prevent increase in cost of projects.

·        A rational allocation of risks can only be undertaken in sector and project-specific contexts while avoiding centralized approach.

·        Increasing bargaining power of private players through independent sector regulators help them to secure their profits.

Tapasvi 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try discussing the risks of various stakeholders like public servants, lenders, borrowers. Keep Writing.



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