
16/04/2019 - Governance

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April 16, 2019

The first Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) in 1965 recognized the need for administrative services personnel to have specialized skills. Comment in the context of lateral entry initiative by UPSC (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        Lateral entry means the appointment of specialists from private sector in government organisations.
The second ARC, in 2005, called for a transparent method to institutionalise induction from outside the UPSC process.

·        Apart from drawing from the private sector talent pool, lateral entry will help alleviate the drought within the government’s administrative services.

·        The 2016 BS Baswan committee report pointed out that many large states suffer from a pronounced deficit of IAS officers, leading to their reluctance to depute officers for central posting.

·        So, the government (both the Union and the states) should consider making lateral entry a permanent feature rather than a one-off or episodic initiative.

Lateral entry a positive move

·        Evolving complex administration along with growing Information and communication technology needs specialization from various fields for smooth functioning of administration.

·        Lateral entry by Union Public Service Commission is a path breaking move for inducting wide talent from private sector into the Government organisations.

·        Lateral entry will help alleviate the talent drought within the government’s administrative services. 

·        This will provide more inputs into the policy making thereby adopting a comprehensive approach for efficient government administration.

·        Example:  an agriculture expert working with the Food and Agriculture  Organization, is set to join the agriculture and farmers’ welfare ministry.


·        Government need to create a better enabling environment for experts to adapt and work according to the existing situation.

·        Tensions between generalists and specialists is bound to occur that needs to be streamlined, which is very difficult process in the administration.

·        The quality people hired and their performance  level in the public arena is unknown and pose a serious trouble for the government.

Sandeep 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include some disadvantages in Lateral entry. Keep Writing.

Madhaba Chandra gharai 6 years

Sir check it.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Try to include some recommendations of 2016 Baswan Committee, 2nd ARC report 2005. Keep Writing.

Melvin 6 years

This is my first writing practice!Can you pls review this 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to include few points like creating an enabling environment for experts, tensions between generalists and specialists, quality of people hired, their performance level etc. Keep Writing



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