
16/09/2022 - Polity

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September 16, 2022

The constructive role of Department Related Standing Committee improves the efficiency of law making process in the country. Analyse (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 2 years


·        Parliament had only limited legislative time this session and could pass only five pieces of legislation.

·        The percentage of Bills having been referred to the DRSCs during the tenures of the 14th (2004-2009), 15th (2009-2014) and 16th Lok Sabhas (2014-2019) has been 60%, 71% and 27%, respectively.

·        Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha have powers to refer Bills to a DRSC of Parliament.

·        The prerogative of the House to refer the Bills to the Standing committee, through an amendment, would, of course, remain unaffected.

·        The committees can be given a fixed timeline to come up with the recommendation and present its report which can be decided by the Speaker/Chairman.

·        The Speaker/Chairman should have the right to fix a time limit, if the government of the day asks for it and the demand is found to be reasonable by the Speaker/Chairman.

·        Between two sessions, there is generally enough time to organise committee meetings for discussions on Bills in the parliamentary committees.

·        When it comes to the budget proposals of the Ministries, the committees should not limit themselves to discussing just the budget proposals and endorsing them with a few qualifications here or amendments there. 


Kindly review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

yogendra pratap singh 2 years

Kindly Review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Try to include data to support your arguments and bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.

Thomas Kurien 2 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Try to include data to support your arguments and bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.

Tapasvi 2 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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