
17/10/2022 - S & T

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October 17, 2022

India needs a holistic approach to tackle newest threat in the cyber space sector from quantum techniques. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 2 years


·        The Army has collaborated with industry and academia to build secure communications and cryptography applications.

·        This step builds on last year’s initiative to establish a quantum computing laboratory at the military engineering institute in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh.

·        India is getting there slowly but steadily. In February 2022, a joint team of the Defence Research and Development Organisation and IIT-Delhi successfully demonstrated a QKD link between two cities in UP — Prayagraj and Vindhyachal — located 100 kilometres apart.

·        The Union Budget 2020-21 had proposed to spend Rs 8,000 crore on the newly launched National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications.

·        Currently, India has very few capabilities in developing advanced systems capable of withstanding quantum cyberattacks.

·        India must consider procuring the United States National Security Agency’s (NSA) Suite B Cryptography Quantum-Resistant Suite as its official encryption mechanism.

·        The NSA is developing new algorithms for their cypher suite that are resistant to quantum cyberattacks. This can then facilitate India’s official transition to quantum-resistant algorithms.

·        Eventually, this can help establish a nationwide communication network integrated with quantum cryptographic systems, thereby protecting cyberspace from any cross-border quantum cyber offensive.

·        Finally, diplomatic partnerships with other countries with top technology sectors, advanced economies can help India pool resources and mitigate emerging quantum cyber threats. 

yogendra pratap singh 2 years

Kindly Review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Try to include about cyber security policy 2013 and bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.

Nazneen 2 years

plz evaluate

IAS Parliament 2 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer and include about cyber secuirty policy 2013. Keep Writing.


Kindly review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Try to include about cyber security policy 2013. Keep Writing.

Sivasurya 2 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 2 years

Try to include about cyber security policy 2013. Keep Writing.



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