India needs long-term planning processes for de-carbonization of economy. Do you agree with this view? Comment (200 Words)
Refer - Indian Express
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Rajkumar Jangid 3 years
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
How to to be stick in word limit ?
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IAS Parliament 3 years
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Sriram 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
· Prime Minister’s announcement of enhanced targets for climate action by India, particularly for achieving net-zero emissions by 2070, has highlighted the importance of long-term planning for decarbonising the economy.
· Until now, the Government of India has responded to unprecedented changes in the energy sector, particularly rapid reductions in the cost of renewable energy (RE) based power, with dramatic enhancements in the targets for RE.
· Changes will be required to long-term planning processes. By 2070, there will be many changes in technology, environmental conditions, and the economy.
· For setting interim targets and monitoring progress, an autonomous and technically credible agency, like the Climate Change Committee (CCC) in the UK, should be set up.
· The shorter-term targets announced by the PM to be reached by 2030 refer mostly to the power sector. This is appropriate because it is the biggest source of GHG emissions and also the easiest one to decarbonise.
· In order to decarbonise the power sector, it would be best to have a single emissions-related objective so that an optimal strategy can be developed to achieve the objective at the lowest cost.
· The reduced flexibility could also stymie the development and deployment of emerging technologies such as battery storage and small modular nuclear reactors.
K. V. A 3 years
Pls review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
Gowtham Rudy 3 years
Please review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to include data to support your answers and bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.