
18/02/2021 - Economic Survey

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February 17, 2021

Regulatory forbearance for banks cannot be a sustained solution to overcome the various problems faced by banks. Elaborate (200 Words)

Refer - Economic Survey V-I Chapter 7

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IAS Parliament 4 years


 Regulatory for banks means relaxing the norms for restructuring assets, where restructured assets were no longer required to be classified as Non-Performing Assets.

Problems faced by banks

·        Non-performing assets, due to dealy in repayment of loans

·        Improper credit distribution due to misallocation of resources.

·        Focus more on quatittative aspects in distributing loans rather than quality aspects.


·        Banks exploited the forbearance window to restructure loans even for unviable entities.

·        The inflated profits were then used by banks to pay increased dividends to shareholders, including the government in the case of public sector banks.

·        As a result, banks became severely undercapitalized.

·        Undercapitalization distorted banks’ incentives and fostered risky lending practices, including lending to zombies.

·        As a result of the distorted incentives, banks misallocated credit, thereby damaging the quality of investment in the economy.

·        Firms benefitting from the banks’ largesse also invested in unviable projects.

·        In a regime of injudicious credit supply and lax monitoring, a borrowing firm’s management’s ability to obtain credit strengthened its influence within the firm, leading to deterioration in firm governance.




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