
18/02/2021 - Economic Survey

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February 17, 2021

Analyse the performance of India in innovation and suggest measures to improve its performance on innovation outputs. (200 Words)

Refer - Economic Survey V-I Chapter 8

Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.

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Dev 4 years

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IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Try to include criticisms. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 4 years


Good performance

·        India entered the top 50 innovating countries for the first time in 2020 since the inception of the Global Innovation Index (GII), by improving its rank from 81 in 2015 to48 in 2020.

·        Along with three other economies Vietnam, Republic of Moldova and Kenya, India has the rare distinction of being an innovation achiever for ten consecutive years.

·        India’s first rank in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services.

·        India performs above expectation for its level of development (per capita GDP) on the GII.


·        India's gross expenditure on R&D at 0.65% of GDP, out of which the government contributes 56%. (3 times the average contributed by governments in the top 10 economies).

·        Indian government also contributes the highest share of total R&D personnel (36%) and researchers (23%).

·        This shows that the contribution of businesses to innovation is very less in India, despite a generous tax incentive structure to boost R&D.

·        Indian residents contribute only 36% of patents filed in India.


·        India must also focus on strengthening institutions and business sophistication to improve its performance on innovation outputs.

·        More importance should be given to schemes like Startup India campaign that recognises entrepreneurship as an important strategy to fuel productivity.





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