
18/03/2021 - Indian Economy

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March 18, 2021

Neo banks are expected to transform the functioning of banking environment holistically in the country. Elaborate (200 Words)

Refer - Business Line

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        Neo banks are digital and operate online, and they do not have any physical branches, minimise operating costs and offer a customer-friendly interface.

·        They partner with conventional banks and deliver better solutions with the use of technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

·        The characteristics of neo-banks include convenience, cost-effectiveness, various banking and financial functionalities under one umbrella, and personalisation.

·        Challenges of neo banking include: complex IT legacy; inadequate data architecture; higher cost management; lacking advanced technology; and organisational resistance

·        Neo banks offer wider choices and better customer experiences with the following features: (a) a new account online can be opened in just a few minutes; (b) connecting of existing bank accounts; (c) receive payments immediately with integrated payment gateways; (e) pay bills through multiple options.

·        The Reserve Bank of India recently strengthened the criteria for providers of digital banking services, giving priority to physical presence.

·        Neo banks are AI-driven and incorporate the entire financial portfolio onto a single platform. It keeps you in the know of your entire banking operations receipts, payments and transactions24x7 and in real-time.





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