
18/06/2020 - S & T

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June 18, 2020

It is the time for the government to remove the restrictions on the approval of genetically modified crops in the country. Critically Examine (200 Words)

Refer - Business Standard

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IAS Parliament 5 years


·         Farmers have revived their agitation in support of revocation of moratorium on approval of genetically modified (GM) crops at a time when the process of structural reforms in the farm sector is already underway.

·         As a pressure tactic, the farmers plan to sow unapproved GM seeds in the current kharif season, like they did last year, defying the official warning against it. The gene-altered seeds of crops, such as cotton, maize, soybean and brinjal, which have been denied formal approval even after going through the requisite field trials, were distributed to farmers in a well-publicised event in Akola (Maharashtra) last week for this purpose.

·         This movement, spearheaded by the Shetkari Sanghatana, a technology-savvy farmers’ organisation of Maharashtra, seems to have the support of farmers in Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and some other states.

·         Many useful gene-tweaked hybrids of various crops, evolved in the private and public sectors with huge investment, are awaiting the environment ministry’s nod even after getting formal clearance from the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC).

·         Prominent among these are herbicide tolerant Bt-cotton (HTBt-cotton), Bt-brinjal (India’s first GM food crop) and DMH-11 mustard (capable of ramping up yield by 30 to 35 per cent). Some of these seeds have since been released for cultivation in other countries, including Bangladesh, and are thriving there.

·         Prohibition of new GM crops in India has deprived local consumers of several bio-fortified food products evolved through gene manipulation. Genetic engineering is a powerful technology that has varied applications in the agriculture, bioindustry and pharmaceutical sectors.

·         Environmental and health implications of the new GM products are examined thoroughly by the GEAC before clearing them. India has gained immensely from transgenic Bt-cotton, the only GM crop allowed so far.

·         The country has transformed from a net importer to a major exporter of this natural fibre. The ban on approval of new variants of Bt-cotton to replace the aged and worn-out ones has jeopardised the fate of this revolution.

·         It has also prevented plant breeders from evolving tailor-made strains of other crops to combat drought, weeds, pests and diseases. Thus, it is time for the government to heed the farmers’ plea and revisit its GM policy. The decision in this regard needs to be guided by scientific opinion rather than the perceived, but largely unsubstantiated, hazards of GM products.


Soni Kumari 5 years

Please review sir 

IAS Parliament 5 years

Good attempt. Try to stick to word limit. Keep Writing.

Sanjeev Kumar Singh 5 years

Please review

aswin 5 years

(criticise-support-balance)..is this format ok for these type of questions.

Sanjeev Kumar Singh 5 years

I think should be such as, beloved friend aswin.

aswin 5 years

sir/mem please review and suggest how I can make the answer more effective.

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to provide more dimensions to the answer and coherence for better answer.

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

aswin 5 years

more dimensions in what sense. For example in this question should I include positive perspective too or just be critical in other dimensions.

IAS Parliament 5 years

Dimensions  -  Economic, environmental, ethical, scientific etc, whatever relevant to the question which needs to be connected along with proper facts and analysis.

Aradhana Tiwari 5 years

An inspiring agenda of our govt-  'Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan' need "aatmavishwas-self belief and trust" along with bold policies such as removing the restrictions on the approval of genetically modified crops.

       Genetically modified crops are cultivated from seeds that are genetically engineered to increase yields or tolerance to pests.

>>>  Concerns associated with genetically modified crops :

- Health  : Genetic engineering is a relatively new development. As a result, research on the long-term health effects of GM crops is limited. Some people worry that GM foods may be linked to allergies, antibiotic resistance, or cancer.

- Affordibility/ Accessibility : whether they are sufficiently affordable/accessible to farmers in developing countries.

- Lack of regulations : Since regulation is yet to be framed, it follows that GM food is not permitted to be sold in the country.

>>> Why our govt needs to remove the restrictions on the approval of genetically modified crops ?

- Niti Aayog has stated - "As a part of its strategy to bring a Second Green Revolution, India must return to permitting proven and well tested GM technologies with adequate safeguards". 

- Genetic engineering can help us find sustainable ways to feed people. GM seeds are mostly either pest-resistant or herbicide-tolerant.

>>> What needs to be done further ?

- Approval from state govts : Even if the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), which falls under the Union Environment Ministry allows commercialisation of GM crops, an approval from the state government is a must since agriculture is a state subject.

- Concerns about affordability/accessibility of GM seeds, environmental and ethical issues in cultivation of GM crops, risks to the food chain, disease spread and cross pollination which have resulted in their non-introduction, needs to be debated, tested, evaluated before roll-out.

- Action Plan : Prepare an action plan, which clearly specify the disposal of GM seeds and produce, along with detailing the steps 

that there are no biosafety implications of its cultivation.

            "Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety suggests the biosafety requirements for GM crops, to which India is also a signatory."

- PPP model : The policy on GM crops needs to be clearly defined, and the govt should provide a level-playing field to both public and private sector companies.

aswin 5 years

I'm confused whether critically examine means criticising briefly or making a balanced answer.

Sanjeev Kumar Singh 5 years

I think need a ballence answer

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to provide a balanced answer or you can give your opinion supported with data, analysis.



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