
18/09/2021 - Environment

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September 18, 2021

As climate targets evolve, investment criteria change and trade barriers emerge, India needs to consider various technological options. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) involves capturing emissions from a power plant or industrial unit and either reusing it for another purpose or sequestering it in geologically feasible location.

·        Renewables, alone, will not suffice. Heavy industries need high-intensity heat.

·        Industries will account for nearly a third of India’s emissions in 2050, at which time nearly two-thirds of industrial energy would still be derived from fossil fuels.

·        Without CCS/CCUS, the path to decarbonising the industrial sector becomes that much harder.

·        The push for green (renewables-derived) hydrogen is certainly helpful, but CCS would play a role in bending the emissions curve.

·        CCUS continues to faces three key challenges: It is still too expensive, risky (public concerns about safe carbon storage), even if carbon could be embedded in products like synthetic fuels, CCUS does not remove atmospheric CO2.

·        The options range from nature-based solutions, like forests and regenerative farming, to converting biomass, burning it in power plants and capturing carbon.

·        Some firms are already experimenting with internal carbon prices before choosing technologies.

·        The transition to a low-carbon future is both necessary and complicated. After renewables, industrial emissions reduction and atmospheric carbon removal will be frontiers of climate technologies. 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Avoid listing out points and bring coherence to the answer. Keep Writing.

Priyanka Rastogi 3 years

Please review.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to cut short the introdcution part. Keep Writing.



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