
18/10/2021 - Government Policies

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October 18, 2021

This ranking in Global hunger index requires the country to rethink of policy interventions against hunger including pandemic-induced nutrition insecurity. Elaborate (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        Global Hunger Index (GHI) did not go down well with the government, ranks India 101 out of 116 countries for which reliable and comparable data exist.

·        Child stunting in India declined from 54.2% in 1998–2002 to 34.7% in 2016-2020, whereas child wasting remains around 17% throughout the two decades of the 21st century.

·        Child wasting can manifest as a result of an immediate lack of nutritional intake and sudden exposure to an infectious atmosphere.

·        If India can tackle wasting by effectively monitoring regions that are more vulnerable to socioeconomic and environmental crises, it can possibly improve wasting and stunting simultaneously.

·        India’s relatively better performance in the other component of GHI  child mortality  merits a mention.

·        India’s child mortality rate has been lower compared to Sub-Saharan African countries despite it having higher levels of stunting.

·        This implies that though India was not able to ensure better nutritional security for all children under five years, it was able to save many lives due to the availability of and access to better health facilities.

·        The low ranking does not mean that India fares uniformly poor in every aspect. This ranking should prompt us to look at our policy focus and interventions and ensure that they can effectively address the concerns raised by the GHI, especially against pandemic-induced nutrition insecurity.

Sakthipriya 3 years

kindly review my answer

Thanks in advance

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

Sneha 3 years

Please review....

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to emphasize on policy intreventions by the government and bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.

Nivetha 3 years

please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to explain the flowchart briefly. Keep Writing.

Hina Katariya 3 years

GHI global hunger index India' Ranked  101 out of 116 countries far below than neighbouring countries.

Since 2017 to 2021 india has been always ranked around 94 to 101 in global hunger index. Four different measure were use for GHI ranking. Malnutrition, stunting, wasting, mortality.

1. We need to use different measure: 

India is huge country with diverse population. Using a uniform measure may give false or untrue results which failure for the policy which we make. For ex state like Kerala and Tamil Nadu's survey results may very from Haryana and bihar so we need to use different measure according to state .

2. Focus on whole problem: 

Even though GHI result are not so pleasing for our interest but we did achieve some results for example child stunning in 1998_2002 were 54.7% to 34.7% in 2016-2020. But in wasting result is same as before 17%. So we must not neglected other problems. We should be working on whole problem to achieve results .

3. Data or surveys : 

During pandemic we all have seen drastic change in our life. But the labour, unorganised workers, etc. We don't have enough data or survey that provide us information. Yes we did have some committees but still we need to use advanced techniques for tackling this issue and need to implement new suggestions given by committee. 

Even though India's ranked was bad in GHI but doesn't mean we are bad in all aspects. Surely we have some fault we should be working on it on grassroots level to see some more efficient results 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer and include government schemes. Keep Writing.



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