
18/12/2018 - Indian Economy

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December 18, 2018

The idea of shifting towards the gas based economy possesses huge implications for the country in various ways. Discuss with relevant illustrations (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 6 years



Globally, natural gas constitutes 24 percent of the primary energy consumption. Gujarat has relatively better access to natural gas, is having a share of 25 percent in its energy basket. The government of India proposes to increase the share of natural gas in the whole of its energy consumption to 15 percent by 2020.

Implications of gas based economy

·        A major advantage of this fuel is that it has very low emission of particulate matter.

·        Providing gas linkage to domestic households, the automobile sector, and small and major industries will play a major role in elevating the social status of the people.

·        The economic advantage of gas over other conventional fuels is that it is 40 percent cheaper than liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Compressed natural gas (CNG), often a substitute for petrol and diesel, is 60 percent cheaper than gasoline and 45 percent cheaper than diesel.

·        The additional savings in, say, taxi driver bills, which, if ploughed back into productive areas such as education of children, will pave way for faster socio-economic development.

·        Enable India to attain the goals (INDC) of Paris Climate agreement 2015 in a short time period.

·        Reduction of Indoor air pollution in rural areas where coconut husks, rice husks are burnt for cooking purposes.

A shift to a gas-based economy will ensure both availability and affordability. Availability may be ensured by increasing production or import, developing the requisite delivery infrastructure terminals, stations, and pipelines

Nandadeep 6 years

Please review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good Attempt. Keep Writing.



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