
19/01/2022 - Society

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January 19, 2022

Urban India needs to have a good governance with functional metropolitan cities. Analyse (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu                    

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        Tamil Nadu’s capital, with an international airport and a major seaport, was gridlocked after heavy rain at the tail end of the northeast monsoon.

·        That deluge was akin to the great flood of 2005 in Mumbai, which too raised hopes that policies would be redrawn.

·        It would be the future-proofing that India’s cities need, to avert sudden dysfunction caused by climate events.

·        There is considerable importance given to technological tools, private sector talent and mapping strategies to identify a city’s assets and to plan spatially.

·        Less than half of all cities have master plans, and even these are ruled by informality, since both influential elites and the poor encroach upon commons such as wetlands and river banks, as Chennai and Mumbai have witnessed.

·        Neglect of municipal councils, lack of empowerment and failure to build capacity among municipal authorities have produced frequent urban paralysis in extreme weather.

·        India’s cities will continue to be drivers of economic growth with significant production and consumption, but that sunrise story is threatened by unsustainable urban development in the era of climate change.

·        The need today is not for flashy retrofitted ‘smart’ urban enclaves but sound, functional metropolitan cities that can handle floods, heat waves.

Manish 3 years


IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to include about article 243E. Keep Writing.

Raj 3 years

kindly Review, Thanks

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer and mention about article 243ZE. Keep Writing.

K. V. A 3 years

kindly review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to mention about metropolitan planning comittee article 243 ZE. Keep Writing.



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