
19/02/2021 - Agriculture

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February 18, 2021

Integrating e-National Agricultural Market with private mandis can ensure best price realization for small and marginal farmers. Comment (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·        It is critical to converge the private mandi infrastructure envisaged under ‘The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020’ with eNAM.

·        The benefits of privately run electronic markets would include lower cost due to competition, incentives for the private sector to innovate and attract volumes pushing the National and Unified Market goals.

·        High visibility to government on prices, volumes and stocks due to centrally regulated nature of the market.

·        Given SEBI’s pan India presence, it could scale up its presence into all the districts in quick time which may be required to supervise functioning of the hubs and spokes of the national electronic market places.

·        SEBI could function as regulator for commodity (agri/non-agri) derivatives and also electronic markets at a national level, given the linkages between derivatives and spot markets.

·        These market places may be treated as nascent Market Infrastructure Institutions (NMII) until they reach a threshold of a thousand crore of transactions on an annual basis.

·        Converging them with earlier progressive initiatives like eNAM which would make direct benefit of reforms reach the farmers.

Dev 4 years

Please review and provide feedback

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to include the advantages of integrating with private mandis. Keep Writing.

Priya Verma 4 years

Please review.

IAS Parliament 4 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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