
19/03/2022 - International Relations

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March 19, 2022

What are the lessons that quadrilateral group can learn from blunders of North Atlantic Treaty Organization? Discuss (200 Words)

Refer - Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        What should have brought Putin to the notice of the West were his first two achievements  the stabilisation and increase in oil production and export that hugely increased the Russian GDP, and secondly, his successful suppression of the Chechnya revolt.

·        There is no doubt that Russia will eventually withdraw from some conquered territory and also that Moscow and the Russian people will suffer financial consequences but a big question will remain:

·        The Indo-Pacific is not continental Europe. War in the Indo-Pacific will be a maritime war fought in accordance with maritime strategy and space assets. The rules of engagement are vastly different.

·        Each member of the Quad has a different enmity with China. India sees it as an obstructionist, aggressive, land grabbing competitor, the US sees it as an ideological and hegemonistic competitor.

·        India’s force of P-81s is substantial and with the help of Australia, a maritime domain awareness can be built up that denies the PLA navy the chance to hide in the vastness of the ocean.

·        It would be useful to establish an Indo-Pacific situation plot at Visakhapatnam, backed by an elite naval staff, to watch the transformation of China from a regional power into a world-class navy. 



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