Explain the causes of river flooding in the State of Assam and suggest solutions for its better management. (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· The vast amount of sediment comes from Tibet, where the river originates. “That region is cold, arid and lacks plantation. Glaciers melt, soil erodes and all of it results in a highly sedimented river,”
· By the time the river enters Assam — a state comprising primarily floodplains surrounded by hills on all sides — it deposits vast amounts of this silt, leading to erosion and floods.
· As the river comes from a high slope to a flat plain, its velocity decreases suddenly and this results in the river unloading the sediment,” said Borgohain. The river’s channels prove inadequate amid this siltation, leading to floods.
· Again, because of the earthquake-prone nature of the region, the river has not been able to acquire a stable character.
· Besides these natural factors are the man-made ones habitation, deforestation, population growth in catchment areas (including in China) which lead to higher sedimentation. For example, the sediment deposition itself creates temporary sandbars or river islands.
· It is common for people to settle in such places, which restricts the space the river has to flow. When rainfall is heavy, it combines with all these factors and leads to destructive floods. This happens very frequently.
Remedial measures
· “Embankments were proposed only as an interim and ad hoc measure for short-term mitigation,”
· The government also considered dredging, basically digging up the riverbed and making the river “deeper”. “They are not addressing the problem at the source — they are firefighting,”
· “integrated basin management” system that should ideally bring in all the basin-sharing countries on board. “
· Addressing the issues only in Assam when the flood strikes isn’t the solution — one needs the countries to come to an understanding about taking measures in the catchment areas.”
· that, interstate relationships, political cooperation and the role of the government are important.
· Flood-plain zoning, depending on the vulnerability of the area, you divide them into categories, and accordingly ban certain activities on it: like farming, building a house etc.
Swathi 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Try to underline key points. Keep writing.
Vandana 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
Tapasvi 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
Harisindhan 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to include about man-made causes. Keep writing.