India’s energy transition requires complementary technology solutions for achieving carbon emission reduction goals on a long term. Analyse (200 Words)
Refer - Business Line
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IAS Parliament 4 years
· The global automotive landscape is transforming amid growing concerns on reducing dependency on fossil fuels and mitigating carbon emissions.
· As per IEA, during 2019-40 the energy demand and carbon emissions from road transport in India are likely to more than double along with oil import dependence increasing to 90 per cent.
· India will need to promote mass electrification by leveraging all electrified technologies (xEV), alternate fuels and hydrogen fuel technologies for realising reduction of oil import.
· To localise EV parts, it is crucial to ensure investment viability for which both supply-side incentives and high level of demand are required.
· For investment viability a key strategy is to aggregate demand for EV parts across different applications and various electrified technologies including hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and BEVs as all these have common EV parts.
· India is promoting fuel efficiency through Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations and is encouraging BEV adoption.
· The logical and scientific approach is to adopt a merit-based taxation regime that provides all xEVs suitable preferential GST rate.
· Moreover, with increased consumer adoption, EV part costs can decline rapidly due to scale thus further accelerating shift to BEVs.
· This can create the manufacturing base for future technologies like hydrogen vehicles once that ecosystem begins to mature.
Please review
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to include data to support your answer. Keep Writing.
Swathi 4 years
Dear ShankarIAS Team,
Requesting to review and provide your feedback.
IAS Parliament 4 years
Try to cut short the introduction part and provide a proper conclusion. Keep Writing.
Soni Kumari 4 years
Please review sir
IAS Parliament 4 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.