
19/10/2020 - Disaster Management

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October 19, 2020

Do you think that the devastating floods in Hyderabad are a fallout of poor urban planning? Examine (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·       Hyderabad was lashed by the most rain in a century for the month of October in just a day (20 cm )resulting in the death of over 20 people. As climate experts have observed, extreme weather events have become the norm.

·       Construction along river beds, wetlands and drainage pathways has blocked the flow of water to the sea in Mumbai and Chennai. Hyderabad’s major city bus station is situated on the Musi riverbed, while its hundreds of lake beds, as in Bengaluru, have been converted into high rises.

·       Besides, the drains and rivers are not cleaned or adequately de-silted before the monsoon. Hyderabad’s Hi-Tec city had not planned for underground drainage — a telling commentary on skewed priorities in urban planning.

·       India’s cities must have a contingency plan that goes beyond using weather warning technologies to reviewing urban planning and administration.

·       The Smart City concept and the National Infrastructure Pipeline focus on making roads, affordable houses and revamping drainage systems for cities, but do not recognise these as inter-connected objectives.

·       Waste recycling should be accorded priority. It is a serious problem that municipal and urban infrastructure bodies do not function in tandem. Above all, the nexus between the politicians, bureaucracy and real estate interests, which leads to violation of zoning laws, needs to be checked.

·       The Real Estate (Development and Regulation) Act can be re-examined to hold local bodies accountable for losses arising out of inappropriate location of properties. The insurance regulator can be consulted in this context.

·       To improve urban governance, greater civic participation, envisaged under the 74th Constitutional Amendment, is a must.




sir please review

thank you

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to underline key points and include data to support your arguments keep Writing.

Madhu 4 years

Thank you  sir

Madhu 4 years

Bijayeeni 4 years

kindly review.thank you



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