
19/10/2021 - International Policies

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October 19, 2021

The recent meeting among foreign ministers in the middle east suggests that India is marching towards an integrated regional policy. Elaborate (200 Words)

Refer - Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        The first-ever meeting between the foreign ministers of India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States marks an important turning point in Delhi’s engagement with the Middle East.

·        The new minilateral suggests India is now ready to move from bilateral relations conducted in separate silos towards an integrated regional policy. As in the Indo-Pacific, so in the Middle East, regional coalitions are bound to widen Delhi’s reach and deepen its impact.

·        The quick movement of this idea  of adding “Indo” to the Abrahamic Accords  from think tank chatter to the policy domain underlines the extraordinary churn in the geopolitics of the Middle East.

·        It also points to new openings for India in the region and ever-widening possibilities for Delhi’s strategic cooperation with Washington.

·        The steady improvement of India-US relations in the 21st century, including the recent convergence of views on the Indo-Pacific, did not make much difference to this policy.

·        India has many old and new partners in the region and it can now work with them in multiple formats and overlapping combinations. Meanwhile, there is much to be done in realising the full potential of the “Indo-Abrahamic Accords”.

·        Beyond trade, there is potential for India, UAE and Israel to collaborate on many areas  from semiconductor design and fabrication to space technology. 

Sneha 3 years

Please review....

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to stick to word limit and provide a conclusion, try to explain the flowchart briefly. Keep Writing.

K. V. A 3 years

Pls review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.

vijay sharma 3 years

Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to include data to support your answers. Keep Writing.


Please Review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer and explain the flowchar briefly. Keep Writing.



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