
20/04/2019 - Environment

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April 20, 2019

Provisions of Indian Forest Act, 1927 was drafted to suit the objectives of a colonial power. In this light, assuming yourself as a legislator, discuss the basic framework of Indian Forest Act 2019 for sustainable forest management. (200 Words)

Refer - The Hindu 
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IAS Parliament 6 years


Indian forest act 2019

·        India’s forests play a key role in moderating the lives of not just the adivasis and other traditional dwellers, but everyone in the subcontinent, through their impact on the climate and monsoons.

·        Their health can be improved only through collaboration. Any new forest law must, therefore, aim to reduce conflicts, incentivise tribals and stop diversion for non-forest uses. Discretion of bureaucratic hold should be reduced.

·        This can be achieved by recognising all suitable landscapes as forests and insulating them from commercial exploitation. Such an approach requires a partnership with communities on the one hand, and scientists on the other.

·        For decades now, the Forest Department has resisted independent scientific evaluation of forest health and biodiversity conservation outcomes. This evaluation needs to be carried out with the help of environment auditing and Environmental impact assessment. 

·        According to the Comptroller and Auditor General, Compensatory and afforestry forest management fund remain unused for long periods of time, this needs to be used for conserving the pristine forests in India, along with increase in transparency and accountability.

·        Impact assessment reports have mostly been reduced to a farce, and the public hearings process has been diluted. The government needs to launch a process of consultation, beginning with the State governments to ensure that a progressive law is adopted by all States, including those that have their own versions of the existing Act.

·        The Centre must hear the voice of all stakeholders and communities, including independent scientific experts.

Vandana 6 years

Kindly review my answer. Thanks.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Try to emphasise more on framework of Indian forest act 2019 rather than other acts. Keep Writing.

Madhaba Chandra gharai 6 years

Sir check it.

IAS Parliament 6 years

Need better understanding. Try to provide the basic framework for new forest act like Environmental impact assesment, reduction of bureaucratic control etc. Keep Writing.



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