India should take the primary healthcare seriously, and need to follow up on preventive healthcare programmes comprehensively. Explain (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· The first step should be to declare a public health emergency within the affected region with immediate effect. This would mean that the state healthcare and other concerned agencies, including the district administration and disaster management authorities, will pool their wisdom and resources.
· A blueprint of the suggested administrative mechanism can be kept ready by each state, with various functionaries nominated and notified. This can be done in districts with a poor public health record.
· The Group, normally the local people, will conduct periodic mock drills in a professional manner, particularly in more vulnerable areas. This blueprint will be actually realised as and when a need arises. The Group’s resources can be unscaled suiting situational demands.
· Reorganise working of the existing government hospitals, particularly at the primary and middle level.
· As health centres across most states have adequate built up space and other infrastructure available, a part of the same can be leased to private hospital chains.
· In normal times, these privately-run units will provide regular, on payment, healthcare. Indeed, such private medical centres with their enhanced medical capacities in place can be recognised and co-opted under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. In situations like the one under discussion here, these units can be commandeered to attend to the emergency.
· Long-term plans to create and expand healthcare infrastructure demand more time and resources. The proposed reorganisation of health centres, besides substantially adding to the existing health services at literally no cost to the government, will also help to generate a healthier work culture.
· Finally, it is of utmost importance that the functioning of such reorganised health centres be closely and professionally monitored. They should also be monitored by the local community and panchayati raj institutions.
· It may also be useful to urgently fill the perennially existing vacancies at health centres. This can be accomplished in most healthcare institutions, particularly in remote rural areas, through the contractual appointment of doctors and para medical staff by from amongst retired personnel (both civil and military).
ajay 6 years
Dear sir ,
please review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
Vandana 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
K. V. A 6 years
Pls review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Try to include about role of ASHA. Keep writing
Krish 6 years
Kindly review sir,Thank u
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to include about doctor-patient ratio, auxillary nurse midwives etc. Keep writing.