Social media is becoming a new medium for diplomacy. Do you agree with this view? Comment (200 Words)
Refer - Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 3 years
· External Affairs Minister Twitter handle has taken an interesting turn lately, both in terms of its messaging for a domestic audience as well as for those outside the country.
· It shows that the government sees foreign policy as a tool with domestic political implications.
· The image of him as a world leader that this extensive coverage has conveyed in India has been a major factor in his popularity.
· However, it is the foreign affairs ministers who have been at the interface of international and domestic politics.
· It makes diplomacy politically relevant by making it less elitist and easily digestible.
· In this context, it is worth noting that foreign policy is rarely a matter for discussion on Prime Minister’s Mann Ki Baat (on radio), which reaches the grass roots.
· On the other hand, the only beneficiaries of this emerging personalised communication are the 23.6 million Twitter users in India, perhaps largely scattered in urban areas with decent literacy levels.
· The lessons we derive from the Indian case have universal implications. Many in the foreign office are adopting this personalised form of diplomacy.
· What remains to be seen is if the increased involvement of the populace in foreign affairs leads to its democratisation.
· A potential politicisation of foreign policy might end up adding more ambiguity to the world order.
Aravind R 3 years
Kindly review this mam/sir
IAS Parliament 3 years
Try to give some specific examples on how social media influenced diplomacy, avoid writing generic points. Keep Writing.
Tapasvi 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.
K. V. A 3 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.