Discuss the major areas that are required to be strengthened to deepen the cooperation in the gulf region by India. (200 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
Aspirant 6 years
please review it
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep Writing.
Aspirant 6 years
IAS Parliament 6 years
India has now learnt that the conservative Gulf Kingdoms are quite eager to develop an independent relationship with Delhi.
Relationship with gulf region
· First, some Gulf countries have expanded counter-terror cooperation with Delhi, extending support to India in the unfolding conflict over Jammu and Kashmir, and have sought to open the OIC platform for India despite Pakistan’s objections.
· Recognising special interest in the welfare of the Indian diaspora and expatriate labour, the Gulf kingdoms have begun to address many of the long-standing Indian concerns.
· The oil rich Gulf has begun to see India, one of the world’s leading energy importers, as a major economic partner. The recent Saudi decision to pick up 20 per cent stake in the oil business of Reliance Industries Limited.
· UAE’s support for the construction of India’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve are two examples of deepening energy interdependence.
Opportunities and key areas
· Paying greater attention to the domestic dynamics in the different kingdoms of the Gulf amidst the region’s deepening political turbulence.
· Delhi must reciprocate more productively to the enthusiasm in the Gulf region for strategic economic cooperation with India — ranging from energy and digital innovation to arms production and space technology.
· As India begins to take the dangers of an economic slowdown seriously, it should try and unclog multiple bureaucratic and policy obstacles to investments from the Gulf.
· Socio-economic welfare of Indian diaspora should be taken into consideration while implementing Look west policy.
· Security cooperation, where the unrealised potential remains huge. Military exercise like Al Nagah with Oman should be conducted frequently to increase the security cooperation.
Alok Dwivedi 6 years
Kindly Review.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt. Try to include about ISPRL programme, some military exercise in gulf region for security cooperation. Keep Writing.
Anu 6 years
Kindly review. Thank you
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt. Try to include about some military exercises, ISPRL programme for better content. Keep Writing.
Seema 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good attempt. Try to include some military exercises for security cooperation. Keep Writing.