The Competition Amendment Bill 2022 has opened the floodgates of regulatory developments for India in various ways. Discuss (200 Words)
Refer - Financial Express
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IAS Parliament 3 years
· Among several proposed changes, one of the most significant is the introduction of an additional “deal value” criterion for assessing whether a transaction (M&A) requires mandatory approval from the CCI.
· Under the existing rules, the M&A will require a CCI approval if it crosses specified asset or turnover thresholds.
· The case that has regularly been cited to demonstrate the need for DVT is Facebook/Whatsapp.
· Despite a purchase price of c.$19 billion, the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook availed benefit of de minimis exemption in India.
· Expediting the merger review timelines is a major focus of the Bill. The prima facie review of 30 working days has been curtailed to 20 working days.
· For a notifiable transaction, the parties are not permitted to acquire any shares prior to receiving CCI approval i.e., standstill obligation.
· This has created hurdles for open-market purchases or stock-market acquisitions where time is the essence, and without any prior disclosures to the public.
· Under the existing framework, the cartel agreement between competitors (i.e., engaged in similar trade) is presumed to have an appreciable adverse effect on competition in India.
· The changes introduced are revolutionary, visionary, and innovative; however, much depends on its successful implementation.
Ramithaa 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
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Lavanya 3 years
IAS Parliament 3 years
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K. V. A 3 years
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IAS Parliament 3 years
Good attempt. Keep Writing.