
20/09/2021 - Society

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September 20, 2021

The recent pandemic reinforces that a good urbanization is the most powerful technology for poverty reduction. Explain (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 3 years


·        Urbanisation gets a bad name in rich and poor countries because megacities 10 million-plus populations are unpleasant places to live for people who are not rich or powerful.

·        Migrants that left our cities during the first lockdown last year are back because they were not running towards cities, but running away from sub-scale economic wastelands  estimates suggest that 2 lakh of our 6 lakh villages have less than 200 people.

·        India’s local government challenge reflects what historians call path dependence; unlike others, our democracy didn’t evolve bottom-up with local government rolling up into state governments that came together as a nation.

·        Good urbanisation is also crucial to delivering economic justice for women, children and Dalits.

·        Poor quality urbanisation has meant men-only migration, leaving the women with all the hard labour of farm work, raising the children, and looking after in-laws, while having virtually no recourse to health services, or to even emotional support of the spouse.

·        Good urbanisation getting power and funds to cities needs chief ministers to sacrifice self-interest.

·        Their reward will be undying duas of millions waiting for high-quality jobs and opportunities. India is lucky that Norman Borlaug prevailed over William Vogt in the food technology debate.




Nivetha 3 years

please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Good attempt. Try to provide conclusion and include government surveys and reports to support your arguments. Keep Writing.


Please review

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try include about SMART cities mission. Keep Writing.

Soni Kumari 3 years

Please review sir 

IAS Parliament 3 years

Try to include government schemes to support your answers. Keep Writing.

IAS Parliament 3 years

Avoid listing out points and include government schemes and reports to support your arguments. Keep Writing.



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