The concept of a lifestyle for the environment (LiFE) movement is in line with the global climate justice movement. Justify(200 Words)
Refer - The Hindu
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IAS Parliament 2 years
· United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report has warned that global human development measures have declined across most countries in the past two years.
· The Paris Agreement and the COP26 summit in Glasgow represent urgent, collective steps countries are taking to limit emissions.
· LIFE, or Lifestyle for Environment, announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at COP26 in November 2021, brings a fresh and much-needed perspective.
· LIFE recognises that small individual actions can tip the balance in the planet’s favour. But we need guiding frameworks, information sharing and the scale of a global movement.
· And while LIFE is a global vision, India is an excellent place to start. With over 1.3 billion people, if we achieve a true jan andolan here, the momentum generated will be enormous. As India leads, we see the world increasingly follow.
· LIFE resonates with the global climate justice India has rightfully called for highlighting enhanced obligations those in developed countries bear, to support climate adaptation and mitigation for those most affected, yet least responsible.
· With COP27 next month, and India set to assume the G20 Presidency weeks after, followed by the halfway mark to Agenda 2030 next year.
Sangeetha R 2 years
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IAS Parliament 2 years
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Nazneen 2 years
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IAS Parliament 2 years
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IAS Parliament 2 years
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Sivasurya 2 years
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IAS Parliament 2 years
Try to bring coherence in the answer. Keep Writing.