
22/12/2018 - Governance

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December 22, 2018

In the domain of Social media, India is lacking institutions of governance to protect the right to privacy of the individual users. Examine(200 Words )

Refer - The Hindu

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Reasons for lacking institutions of Governance

·        Social media is beyond the juridical capability of Indian Government, it is difficult to frame a comprehensive law.

·        Web servers are located outside India, so Government of India has narrow scope in regulating the privacy of data.

·        Big data technology in India is at an initial stage and lacks investment in Research and Development; it is difficult to screen and regulate billions of data.

·        The government has prioritized more data collection and privacy-impairing legislation. These include the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, which is listed for discussion and voting.

·        Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notification authorizing digital surveillance by 10 Central government agencies, thus government has given more priority in a collection of data rather than protection.

·        A draft law is designed to safeguard data privacy in a closed drafting process without much transparency. It has no clear path to enactment and is not listed for the ongoing winter session of Parliament.

Consequences of lacking institutions of governance

·        Loss of right to privacy, violating core principles of Fundamental rights mentioned in Indian Constitutions. Eg. The Cambridge Analytica issue, documented the compromising of personal data of Facebook users to micro-target them with subtle forms of political campaigning without their knowledge, influencing their voting preferences and the outcome of elections.

·        Increasing cyber crimes like ransomware attacks, phishing, hacking government websites.

·        It will lead to a violation of net neutrality.Eg. The issue of “Free basics” by Facebook violated the principle of net neutrality.

Remedial measures

·        Data localization as recommended by Srikrishna Committee on the issue of data protection.

·        India needs a comprehensive framework on Data protection similar to EUs General data protection regulation.

·        Transparency while drafting bills on data protection.

Rishi Raj Singh Champawat 6 years

Please review 

IAS Parliament 6 years

Discuss the reasons for lacking institutions of governance,its consequences, remedial measures. Keep Writing.

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Need better understanding; discuss why there is lacking institutions of governance in the domain of social media. Keep Writing



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