
23/01/2019 - Indian Polity

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January 23, 2019

Considering the various problems of judiciary in India, will artificial intelligence help to resolve the exisiting problems? Critically Analyze (200 Words)

Refer - Financial Express

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IAS Parliament 6 years


Existing problems in Judiciary

·        Judicial system today suffers from various flaws—nepotism, favouritism, political pressures, media verdicts, public opinions, ego issues, besides alleged instances of corruption at various levels.

·        Exorbitantly expensive legal system where the legal fees of certain prominent lawyers have gone through the roof, mainly because it is believed that an ‘appearance’ by them can get the desired judgment or relief.

·        The huge pendencies of legal cases before the judiciary at all levels and across the country and it becomes fairly apparent that our judicial system, is certainly crumbling.

·        Lack of human resources/capabilities and mixing human feelings and emotions with law and proofs cause the problems that we see in our judicial system today.

Artificial intelligence (AI) to overcome problems

·        The proposal is to replace ‘judges’ by ‘cyber judges’, i.e. computers using AI. 

·        Cyber judge’ would pronounce the decision with complete reasoning, after appreciating all evidence, arguments, counter arguments, laws and legal cases cited, an impartial judge

·        This would mean the end of the exorbitant legal fees charged today by seniors.

·        No influence of media reports and trials or propaganda carried out by interested parties—whether they be religious groups, political parties, powerful lobbies or corporate rivals.

·        No scope for nepotism, favouritism or corruption.

·        No more pendencies as the ‘cyber judges’ would be able to work 24×7 without any fatigue.

·        Total elimination of government influence over judges.

AI is not a good solution as of now

·        Despite computer being rational and impartial, it doesn’t match with human’s sense of thinking and commonsense, in giving a practical judgement.

·        Flexibility in thinking and decision making of human judges are far more advanced than Computers using AI.

·        Indian democracy is because of all political and executive powers given by people to representatives, as people becomes source of all powers in an indirect democracy. So a final judgement by a computer will not be valid without human interference.

·        Technologies have been developed to ease the way of living and not to take over the basic moralities of human beings.


Qurat 6 years

Please Review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Keep Writing.

Sudhansu 6 years

U have written good ans, but start answering with graphic interpretation may be not nice. U should write some lines nd then put it . Thanks



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