How did the Kamaraj plan of 1963 energised the Indian government from a crisis situation? Explain (150 Words)
Refer - The Indian Express
Enrich the answer from other sources, if the question demands.
IAS Parliament 6 years
· According to Kamaraj’s proposal, leaders in government would quit their ministerial offices and take up organisational work, while those in the organisation would join the government.
· In 1963, defeats in three successive by-elections were the immediate provocation for the Congress to worry about its situation.
· The war with China the previous year had wrecked the morale of the leadership. Nehru’s standing as a statesman was in a crisis.
· Kamaraj, proposed to Nehru that he be allowed to quit office to take up organisational work.
· The proposal came up for discussion in the Congress Working Committee, where a large number of members, among them Chief Ministers and Nehru’s Cabinet colleagues, supported it.
· The AICC resolution endorsed the Kamaraj Plan on August 10, 1963.
· The Plan, on the one hand, gave to Prime Minister Nehru an unprecedented opportunity to carry out a massive reshuffle of officeholders, but on the other hand asserted the principle of equal status of the party organisation with the government.
· Kamaraj emphasised the achievement of the Congress goal of socialism without authoritarianism and class conflict.
· His first task was to ensure a smooth transition in the Prime Minister’s Office.
· His next step was to infuse vigour in the party organisation, and thereby, the government. He sought to steer the party towards a federal system of leadership
· Kamaraj also preferred a collective leadership for the party, and saw himself as a consensus-builder.
Sanketh Palankar 6 years
pls review sir
IAS Parliament 6 years
Need better understanding. Try to discuss about Kamraj plan 1963. Keep writing.
Vandana 6 years
Kindly review.
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.
Vandana 6 years
Kindly review
IAS Parliament 6 years
Try to post correct answer in the respective date.
Nagesh m 6 years
Please review sir
IAS Parliament 6 years
Good answer. Keep writing.