
23/07/2020 - Government Policies

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July 22, 2020

What are the various policy actions that are needed to handle the plastic and bio-medical wasted generated during the COVID crisis? Explain (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 5 years


·         The Centre should stitch together a national protocol that combines The Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, with the recently released Environment Ministry guidelines on ‘extended producer responsibility’ for producers of plastic

·         With the onset of Covid-19, the exponential spike in the use of plastic — that too, of the single-use variety, exemplified by personal protection equipment — has created a mammoth crisis of plastic waste all over the world.

·         It has rendered redundant the ban on single-use plastic in many parts of the world, including India, where the ban was imposed in 2016.

·         What’s all the more disturbing is the biomedical content in this waste, which could create a new set of health complications during the monsoon and the consequent contamination of soil and water.

·         However, the special guidelines from the Central Pollution Control Board on the handling of biomedical waste generated in the wake of Covid-19 have not prevented the piling up of biomedical waste in urban centres.

·         The Centre needs to stitch together a national protocol that combines The Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, with the recently released Environment Ministry guidelines on ‘extended producer responsibility’ (EPR) for producers of plastic.

·         The latter, released only last month, does not refer to the pandemic but makes useful suggestions on how plastic producers should fund the urban local bodies in recycling waste.

·         In a larger context, the 15th Finance Commission must relook at provision of funds for urban local bodies. A coordinated response is called for, involving panchayatszilla parishads, State governments and the Centre.

·         The Centre can incentivise start-ups and SMEs offering solutions for Covid refuse segregation and treatment. Besides the global expertise, there are cues to be taken from local initiatives such as the Covid biomedical waste treatment plant in Kerala’s Palakkad.

Saravanan 5 years

Pls review

IAS Parliament 5 years

Avoid writing general points. Try to include about Biological waste management rules 2016, solid waste management rules 2016. Keep Writing.

Vidyasagar 5 years

 Pls review it.......
Answer : 
  • During the covid-19 crisis we have use lots of plastic and medical things to prevent from infection.
  • As per the ministerial report 40% of the 25,000 tonnes of plastic were collected in India every day.
  • Already we have the Bio-medical Management Act, 2016. Which gives the instruction to handling of the bio medical waste.
  • In related to the covid-19 the bio- medical waste is more hazardous than other. So weer have to handle safe.
  • According to chinese handling of the covid-19 bio- medical waste (77 head per capita) were recorded. And they handled by using the new Integrated Technologies.
  • In UK the Bio - medical wastes were converted into the energy.
  • In many developed countries they have the incineration process thi minimize the wastes.
  • The one of the most complicated thing is that the contamination of the above waste into the land, water bodies .

  • The govt. Of India already introduced the rules and regulations for handling of the waste in the rural and Urban areas.

  • Steps taken to prevent the dangerous to the environment.

  • According to the ministry of environment the plastic were banned in India early days of 2020.
  • Other element is to develop the infrastructure for handling of the Bio- medical waste and plastics through the Smart City Projects.
  • To give the awareness about the plastic and Bio - medical waste management through the proper methods.
  • To create the more investment into the MSMEs yo handling the covid-19 waste.
  • Last we have to integrated the panchayat, towns, Metropolitan cities, state and central organization for handling of these kinds of wastes in future.

Niranjana Nayak 5 years

Vidyasagar plz tell me how to upload daily answer writing

aswin 5 years

login-attach file-write something in the given box -add comment.

IAS Parliament 5 years

Try to bring coherence in the answer, avoid listing out the points. Keep Writing.

Priya sabalkar 5 years

Please check my words..

Niranjana Nayak 5 years

How to upload daily answer suggest me I'm new to this group

IAS Parliament 5 years

Good answer. Keep Writing.

aswin 5 years

please review

IAS Parliament 5 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing.



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