
23/10/2020 - Indian Polity

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October 23, 2020

The inclusion of the word fraternity in Preamble is of historic importance and contemporary relevance. Discuss  (200 Words)

Refer - The Indian Express

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IAS Parliament 4 years


·       A major one was the 1931 “Fundamental Rights” resolution of the Indian National Congress.

·       Furthermore, the resolution added, such a constitution should prohibit discrimination against persons of any “religion, caste or creed in regard to public employment, office of power, and the exercise of any trade or calling” and should rule out any “civic bar on account of sex”.

·       There is evidence that close collaboration between Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru produced the text of this consequential resolution, which Gandhi moved in Karachi in 1931. But it had the approval also of Patel and of everyone else who counted.

·       The “constitution” resolution, as this Karachi resolution may also be called, was thus adopted during a landmark moment in our journey towards independence.

·       The Constituent Assembly passed its “Objectives Resolution”, which had been discussed from November 1946. This resolution declared: “All people of India shall be guaranteed and secured social, economic and political justice; equality of status and opportunities and equality before law; and fundamental freedoms — of speech, expression, belief, faith, worship, vocation, association and action…”

·       While these words bear a clear resemblance to the Preamble to come, they do not include the word “fraternity”.

·       If available, any record of discussions within the Drafting Committee that led to the inclusion of “fraternity” in the eventual Preamble might throw additional light on the inference that Gandhi may have contributed posthumously to it.

·       Nearly two years later, in his famous speech of November 25, 1949, to the Constituent Assembly, Ambedkar would say: “Without fraternity, equality and liberty will be no deeper than coats of paint.”

·       In any case, what the world’s present condition needs, namely bonding between humans, may be more important than the alphabet letters that make up “fraternity”.

Answer writing practice 4 years

Sir/ mam

kindly review my answer 

thank you 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to includeonythe relevant points and stick to the word limit. Keep Writing.

Bijayeeni 4 years

Kindly review.. thank you sir/mam 

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to provide an example of current issues in contemporary relevance. Keep Writing.

Bhairav 4 years


IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to provide side-headings, about contemporary relevance and historical importance and also mention about the brotherhood and single citizenship. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Kindly provide feedback Thank you

IAS Parliament 4 years

Try to mention about brotherhood and single citizenship, and explain the flowchart. Keep Writing.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

You are telling that I should include more broad polity terms like brotherhood, single citizenship , secular etc to auit fraternity rather than only rotating around dignity and development. 2. I should explain the diagram. Sir 1 doubt... Whether in all answers I should explain flowchart?

IAS Parliament 4 years

Yes, fraternity includes all the mentioned terms. Flow chart should be explained briefly.

Venkateshwaran R 4 years

Thank you sir. I will follow it



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